What is 4Beat?


  • A style of dynamic vinyasa yoga where the breath is synced to the slow regular beat of the music.

  • Founded by Marcus Veda and born out of the Rocket Yoga system.

  • The tempo is set between 60-70 bpm.

  • Teachers cue to the beat so the unified movement is aligned with the custom mixed soundtrack.

  • It’s also a collective of like-minded yogin who teach and practice 4-Beat their way.

Move in meditation. 

There are two main sequences based on the arc of the ashtanga inspired Rocket system, starting with Sun Salutations, followed by a sequence of standing postures, then to the floor (taking it down for BASE - seated - or up for HEART - back arches) and into the closing/calming postures. Inversions and arm balances characteristically feature throughout but everything is optional and the consistency of the breath always takes priority over the difficulty of the pose. 

4Beat is the archetypal mixed level practice, suitable for adventurous beginners and beyond- newbies or frequent flyers- we all sync together. 

4Beat: Yoga should move you.